Sunday, December 13, 2009

Do You Sweat When You Swim?


Supply food for thought. I will. Simple questions. Complicated answers. The truth is relative. Converse with others. Digest ideas. Explore and enjoy the abstract.

The Great New Wonderful is almost here .. .. ..

While some are content with videos that glorify they're gangsta, I creatively travel the indie path with a no budget mentality. Most of my man made time is spent with a bucket of paint splashing words in places where music is currency. On Earth I'm broke, however throughout the cosmos my wealth is unmeasurable. There will always be more to come. Digress...

Flash forward ... Fly to your future

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Au Courant

“Segregation is the adultery of an illicit intercourse between injustice and immorality.” This quote found me about a year ago even though I have always felt this way in my heart, but would never be able to express these thoughts as elegantly as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As I look back to the summer of 2000, I can now see how I was teetering between the person I was and the person I would eventually become. My high school graduation was as fresh as yesterday and my tomorrow would be the first experience with the collegiate world. As a white male attending a historically black college and university, I was surprised at my calmness as orientation arrived. Never one to be uncomfortable around any type of person regardless of race, creed, or gender, I was worried more with how I would be perceived then my receptiveness. This experience strengthened my already strong sense of self as it broadened my knowledge. From a required University 101 class to my own reading of W.E.B Du Bois's "The Souls of Black Folk", I saw a side of America’s history that was only hinted on during my previous twelve years of public education. One journey leads to another as I found myself wanting to learn more about life by living rather than studying. I convinced myself to take one semester off and travel which lead to my real test six years later, to further my education. During my self described sabbatical I continued learning in nontraditional ways yet yearned for the piece of paper that would finally lay to rest the stigma of being a college dropout. This accomplishment will concrete my foundation to which I can build upon my ultimate goal of starting my own school. A traveling school, where pupils learn not from books but from places. To learn about political and economic inequality from a book doesn’t compare to seeing inequality first hand. It not only teaches a lesson but the vision remains for a lifetime, making one more apt to break barriers and find solutions. From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to South Africa’s Nelson Mandela,
these students will not only see and learn about America’s societal problems and progress, but also have a chance to compare to other countries cultures and traditions. Dr. King’s ideals born and nurtured during a turbulent time in America’s history is not innate to us here in the states, but rather belongs to a greater global consciousness for all of mankind. Forever optimistic I see a future imbued with the ideas and teachings of edifying figures such as Dr. King. A future where equality and harmony are no longer strived for, but rather second nature and understood to be the main staple of all societies in this au courant world of ours.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

God's Debris

Read! Not enough engage in this primitive activity in a time called now. A few years before my vessel was jettison I came across a paperback in the local Barnes & Nobles. I stood and started to read. 132 pages and about a hour and a half later the book was completed. Instead of finding a nice chair in the corner I stood, leaning against the bookshelf so compelled that comfort was the last thing from my mind. Far from a speed reader, at times ten pages seemed to go by in a cool minute. Chapter by chapter a new world was slowly revealing itself. A world where I was but just a spec of dust calculated within the realm of probability. Pause, Look up, relax my eyes. These miniature moments much needed so not to overheat, not to lose my collective cool, and not to allow buckling of the knees. The pressure to ponder, the wisdom to wonder, new ideas make my world go round. Grounded by gravity but yet I float at the same time. We all levitate putting our faith in a blue planet along with a star whether we realize it or not. I thought for sure by now one of the employees would have told me to either buy the book or leave, not realizing the power of epiphanies. Occasionally my concentration was broke due to some random consumer getting a little too close as they searched for a book. Probably a gift for a friend or a parent that would eventually wind up as table top coaster. I would mutter, "get a gift card." My face right back into the book as they glanced over not sure if they heard what they heard. Their confusion led to my clarity as they departed the aisle. I wasn't trying to be cruel but I was in the midst of a thought experiment. I continued on. If light is possibility, and the universe was completely filled with everything possible, it would have been brighter than we could ever imagine. Now if God had created all of this knowing he was the highest power, what more would he have to prove to himself if all that is possible he had created and accounted for? His own death and reconstruction? So he decided to committed suicide. The universe became a very dark and cold place with a couple specs of light, us, the stars, the gases, etc. We're all just pieces of God's debris, that is according the author of this book who happens to also be the creator of Dilbert. A couple chapters later and this skinny paperback came to a close. How refreshing it is to experiment with thought. With no money or plastic in my pocket I had to unfortunately part ways with this reading. Oh, but I shall return. I did, along with the thirteen or some odd dollars it cost. I have since recommended this book to all on my journeys. Those a little less open minded and confined within the pages of another book try to explain that this is a completely absurd notion and teeters along the line of blasphemy. I, like the author never claimed this to be truth or even that this my belief system. Instead I was merely sparking conversation that didn't have to do with the same old topics that get bland after awhile. Just new food for thought. Those who try it, I hope you enjoy the taste.

Flying through new thought constantly expanding towards the future ..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's Him and I, Aquemini

"...Sin all Depends on what you believing In, faith is what you make it that's the hardest shit since MC Ren.." 3 stacks Aquemini

It started out as a simple Facebook status. Yes I do update my status while joyriding through the cosmos impersonating Carl Sagan. That's for all my science channel heads, I to get my nerd on. Although Atliens is my favorite Outkast album, Aquemini is probably my favorite song of theirs. Andre's last 8 bars is one of his greatest raps in my opinion. So I posted his lyrics as my status and this guy I know back from my earth days in a distance yesterday commented. "You willing to bet eternity on that? Ecclesiastes 12:13-14." I laughed, took a cool breath, then chuckled once more. I thought to myself, just wait, just wait, since I had previous items on my bird that needed to be dealt with. I signed off and dealt with my more important matters. I returned to type this: "First and foremost I am not a christian. Secondly, I wouldn't trust my soul or spirituality to a book of stories, metaphors, and allegories written by men who may or may not have been kosher people. There are lessons to be learned in all religious books as well as secular ones but as far as subscribing to one or saying that some guy is my savor is just not my cup of tea. I prefer green or black tea with a good amount of honey. Your belief is truth to you because you have convinced yourself that it is, but don't assume that your belief is the ultimate truth as I wouldn't claim mine to be cause most likely we're all wrong. And lastly I was quoting a lyric from one of my favorite Outkast songs." I cant wait for the response seeing how I do enjoy civil discourse. I prefer it to be in person, but I guess Facebook correspondents will suffice for the time being.

Fly to the heavens, don't run or the devil is gonna getcha.... !

Update time .. his response:
to the first, I would say... I did not suppose you were. Did you read the text? Do you believe in God? To the second, we all trust our soul to something (the pursuit of fame, power, material wealth, etc). Who or what have you chosen to entrust your soul? If I do recall Socrates was a tea guy and didn't really end well for him. I think the lesson is relevant here, don't just drink the tea .. examine it. Thus my question to you is this... have you examined the validity of the bible, the claims Jesus, or have you simply drank the "tea" culture that postulates conjecture without fact, conviction without consistent thought. Additionally, do you believe there is ultimate truth? Before you answer know this... if you say "no" you have deposited an "ultimate" claim of "truth" and if you say "yes" then you agree there is ultimate truth. Thus epistemologically speaking you can know it. To the last, I would say I love Outkast. I just wouldn't build a philosophy of life off of them. Great hearing from you Steve. I welcome you comments. I pray you receive mine in love. If you truly "want change" it will only come through the person and work of Jesus. Everything else is political jargon. Peace.

My response:
The one thing I know is that I know nothing at all. That statement being my foundation, as yours is the Bible/Jesus. Do I believe in a God? Regardless If I do believe or if I don't believe there is absolutely no way to prove it. So in that sense, I'm agnostic. However my definition of "God" would be the sum of all things. So in that sense I guess I side with pantheism, minus the worship of all deities and gods as I don't worship any prophet or God. I see this source more as possibility/probability then a jealous deity watching over our every move. If it wasn't for us and our brains the "idea" of God would never have existed. Those who fear God believe that he created everything, however we have created the IDEA of him. "We all trust our soul to something...Who or what have you chosen to entrust your soul? " Well since nothing is something I guess I entrust my soul to nothing. As Descartes stated, "I think therefore I am." I trust that I know nothing but can think about everything, whether it be metaphysics, epistemology, quantum theories, religion, Jesus, or Socrates. I can think about all of them without having to entrust my soul to anyone of them. "Socrates was a tea guy and that didn't end well for him....have you examined the validity of the bible, the claims of Jesus, or have you simply drank the "tea"." Funny, because the hemlock he sipped before death, in my opinion, has the same effect as religion. Depending on the dose, initial symptoms can be confusion and paralysis. The bible is a book heavily promoted and marketed over the years. I do not believe that it is the infallible Word of God. "If you truly "want change" it will only come through the person and work of Jesus." I couldn't disagree with you more. I do not deny the fact that some people have turned their life around for the better after finding the Bible/Jesus but at the same time countless others have had the same life changing experience with other religious, new age, and or secular self help books. We don't give ourselves enough credit for making that change, instead we project it upon a specific God, Prophet, Religion, etc. To me it doesn't matter whether Jesus was real or not, the idea of him born of flesh becoming a fully recognized human is something that is possible for all. Siddhartha Gautama and other figures besides Jesus reached enlightenment; Jesus performed miracles as well as Krishna. The story of a virgin birth can be found in other cultures well before Jesus, such as in ancient Kemet. Who is right, who is wrong? Who cares? We can never know. You can disagree, with what you perceive to be infallible facts due to your convincing of self that your belief is truth. So in your world it all make sense, but to some, it's completely ridiculous and unfathomable. "Do you believe there is ultimate truth?" If I say no there is no ultimate truth then that becomes my ultimate truth, therefore, there is an ultimate truth. This a good mind teaser/thought experiment that I use to play but only those who don't think on a regular basis get caught up on those type of ideas and semantics. We do agree however that Outkast is great. I was just quoting a line that i like, not building a philosophy of life off of it. I deal with doubt, theories, and thoughts. Certainty is overrated. If we all believed the same thing the world of ideas would be a pretty boring place. I wish you success in all your endeavors.

To the future I freshly fly ... .. .

Saturday, November 7, 2009


My absence from the blogger sphere was much needed. I'm not the trendy blogging type to update you on things that TMZ might discuss but I do like to share the treasures discovered on my journeys....the ship has docked and I think I might stay for awhile....
So I walked into Barnes N Nobles yesterday to kill some of this man made time that I had on my hands. Instead of passing these moments in the Non-fiction section I decided to hit up the magazine stands. I read an article in the Foreign Policy magazine a dope article called Revolution in a box. The article discussed the power of TV in countries less developed then good ol America, but I'm still waiting for my health care. Flag yo fly, fly yo flag. Anyway when I put the magazine back I noticed a crazy red cover with what I thought were two people wrapped up in human size condoms. I had discovered Adbusters. I read an article about Japanese youth living in virtual worlds and cutting themselves off from reality. I texted myself the name of the magazine as my man made time had been resurrected in the form of a phone call from my girlfriend telling me she just pulled up to the apartment. I was jettison. Today is tomorrow relative to my discovery and I have been on for about 2 hours now reading articles. I love it. Thank you for existing. To the future we fly, don't run or you'll get trapped in virtual purgatory...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Craftworthy Video"

Here it is my first video, well it's not like I had a camera crew or anything like that but I did get busy with what I had so enjoy .. "Craftworthy" off of my upcoming album..GNW...

Study hard, study diligent and always remember to fly never run towards the future ...

Not Since August

Seeing how time is man made and I have no use for it out here in my world, it seems like I just posted a blog. However, according to these mundane rules of yours I see that it has been about nine earth months since my last entry. During this absence I have done a lot. Most importantly I have found my way to the land of twitter, where all is great...lmao...follow me and I'll follow you but who will lead...?...who cares just enjoy the journey Since August I have placed myself back into school and recorded many of songs. Had to get back into shape for the future of my self survival and plus I didn't wanna become a fat guy .. I was on that path .. anyway I am back now and yes Soul Students is still the movement even thou everybody moved away but hey, A and Tiff are still here as well as JaRoc .. I landed in Va Beach to perform a 25 minute set and it went real well .. footage will be posted soon .. but first a video that I did myself in my spare time with some still photos for the song Craftworthy..hopefully you'll enjoy...
anyway my peoples I hope all is well in your worlds and keep checking for Dicap cause the music is done and coming soon .. peaces

To the future we Fly ... Don't run ..

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I was actually looking forward to hearing Solange's new album 'Sol-Angel and the Hadley St. Dreams.' I was diggin the video for her single "I Decided" produced by the Neptunes. Her sound has a throwback feel to an earlier era of soul music, very different from her sister Beyonce's sound. Well my anticipation for this release deflated as soon as I heard track one, "God Given Name." I fell in love with music through Hip Hop. The type of Hip Hop where the number one rule was to be original and never bite. Bite meaning steal someone else's ideas, words, or sounds. Back to Solange, her first track is supposedly produced by Soulshock & Karlin but I don't think so. See I am a huge fan of a group called Thievery Corporation and I have all of their albums including 'The Cosmic Game.' The beat that Solange is singing over on "God Given Name" is the same exact beat as "A Gentle Dissolve" the last track on Thievery Corporation's album 'The Cosmic Game.' This is not a case of, oh they used the same sample. No my friends it is the same exact beat from the drums to the horns to melody. Now maybe Solange has never heard of the Thievery Corporation and thought that the producers Soulshock & Karlin had made an outstanding beat for her, but she was fooled. Soulshock & Karlin are to blame here or maybe they have some sort of licensing deal worked out with Thievery, who knows. Maybe Soulshock & Karlin thought that the fans of Solange most likely never heard of or had an album by Thievery Corporation and that nobody would notice since it wasn't a single. Well I noticed and will continue to put them on blast till I see a fist fight between Thievery Corporation and Soulshock & Karlin. The winner loses and I get Solange. She likes to puff puff pass with Mary as do I. As for the rest of the album it's not that bad. "Cosmic Journey" feat. Bilal is my favorite song on the project but I have only heard it once so far. Once I get this beat biting case solved I might be able to enjoy the album but until then I'm salty. Damn Solange.

Fly don't bite .. .. don't fly with food in your mouth you might choke ..

Listen for yourself

God Given Name - Solange

A Gentle Dissolve - Theviery Corporation

Cosmic Journey Featuring Bilal - Solange Knowles

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bebo Best & Super Lounge Orchestra

Running low on fuel but refusing to pull over I scrolled through a new play list then turned up the volume, along with the bass, and leaned back in the Captain's Chair. Hoping that this newly acquired song would fuel the ride home. "Beat Conductor" was a recent find at my last stop. This last dig has shown great potential thus far, with this being the tip of the ice burg. My refueling method is proving to be a success as the flight has been transformed into an upbeat hookah bar with wings. The Auto pilot isn't working as well as my Buick's cruise control did, but it's getting the job done. We're going so fast that everything seems to be moving in slow motion. Bebo Best & Super Lounge Orchestra are performing like machines. Who needs coffee to stay awake when you have Bebo Best. This music gives you wings. I must return to the hookah madness before we crash. Enjoy the rest of your flight. Signing out somewhere between here and now.

Fly with Bebo Best or run with the rest

Beat Conductor - Bebo Best & Super Lounge Orchestra

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Eyes Without A Face

Paul Anka the old school Sinatra type. Some might not like it due to the loungy old style that it is, but hey if you can't get over it then you miss out. The lyrics of this song is what made me keep it in rotation. Once again the fellas at put me on to this song. I found out that Paul wrote songs for Tom Jones and Frank Sinatra and also toured with Buddy Holly. He has since been inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. In October of 1995, he appeared in "Treehouse of Horror VI" on The Simpsons. Now you know you're pretty famous if your featured in a Simpsons episode. To be completely honest with you this is the only song I've ever heard from Paul Anka that I know of so I can't speak on his other albums or songs but this one is definitely dope enough for me to share with you. Enjoy.

"I spend some much time, believing all the lies to keep the dream alive,
now it makes me sad, it makes me mad at truth for loving what was you..."

It makes me mad at truth...damn that is deep. Good job Mr. Anka

Fly yes .. Run no ..

Eyes Without a Face - Paul Anka